Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm so glad when Daddy comes home...

Sam has his new schedule and is working every other Sunday.  This was the first Sunday I went to church without him, and it was definitely a little hard.  Brylee is taking a nap and I was just thinking about how much I miss Sam! I was wasting some time on pinterest and I saw this amazing quote:

I remember the moment I realized I was in love with Sam.  It was about a whole three weeks after we started dating, and I waited very patiently (not) for him to get up the courage to tell me.  I remember kneeling across from him at the alter thinking there was no way I could possibly love him more than I did at that moment.  ...Then I saw the look in his eyes when we saw our baby girl for the first time.  Sam is such an amazing daddy and I don't tell him that enough.

Brylee is such a daddy's girl.  The first three months of parenthood were amazing but completely exhausting.  Our poor baby girl had food intolerance to what I was eating and colic.  She could scream for hours on end.  I definitely lost my patience at times but I never once saw Sam get impatient or frustrated.  He would come home after a long day at work and hold his screaming baby all night to give me a break.  When he gets home from work he changes almost all of her diapers, picks out outfits, and plays with her.  He puts her down for naps, and reads to her.  The first three months included many many sleepless nights (She still wakes up several times a night, but at least now she goes back to sleep!)  When I was completely exhausted Sam would stay up with her to give me a break.

On Sam's days off he usually waked up with Brylee in the morning so I can sleep in.  The other morning I woke up to him reading Brylee the Chronicles of  Narnia.
Brylee loves watching us workout especially watching us shadowbox.  One day Sam was having her do her own shadowboxing and I caught part of it on film.
Brylee loves bouncing.  She loves to be tossed in the air, and when we bounce her on our laps.  One day she was laying on the bed and Sam made the mattress bounce, she just loved it.

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